Embedded World China 2024

Dear EDATEC Customers and Supporters,
We are thrilled to announce our participation in Embedded World China 2024, a premier event showcasing the latest advancements in embedded technologies.
Join us as we unveil cutting-edge products and innovative solutions that will shape the future of technology.

Discover Our Highlighted Products and Solutions:

We will showcase our newest products and solutions that empower your business to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. Don't miss the opportunity to see technological innovations that open new possibilities to your company.
1. Location:
  ◆ Venue: Hall H3
  ◆ Booth: Stand 237
2. Engage with Our Expert Team:
Our dedicated team will be present at the booth to share industry insights, experiences, and solutions. Beyond product demonstrations, seize the chance for in-depth discussions and get answers to your queries.

Why Attend Embedded World China 2024?

◆ Stay Ahead of Technological Trends: Gain insights into the latest trends in embedded technology and stay ahead of the curve.
◆ Expand Your Business Network: Connect with industry leaders and peers, explore collaboration opportunities, and expand your business network.
◆ Gain Market Insights: Dive deeper into market dynamics and understand the latest developments from competitors.

Click here to become our VlP guest and join us at Embedded World 2024!

Embedded World registration is required.